Issues and Answers a Biblical Perspective- 1470 WPAO Radio Feb/1998: UFOs & Mental Health with Bob TeetsJim Cunningham with over 35 years of study and ministry on the subject of UFOs in the bible host " Issues and Answers a Biblical Perspective". On this show he interviews Bob Teets on his book UFOs & Mental Health. This interview centers around mental health and the influence of belief in UFOs, Bob Teets a former Journalist and present publisher has documented hundred of UFO related issues and relates who is behind and interested in this topic,,, people of high ranking status in world affairs hire Bob to evaluate and publish their research and findings. Brief Background / Biographical Sketch of Robert TeetsA popular speaker and presenter, Bob Teets won more than 30 state and national press awards as a West Virginia journalist in the 1980s. He is a prolific author, a frequent guest on numerous talk shows, and an energetic presenter at conferences and seminars. He has taught college journalism courses, and continues to present consulting workshops on news writing, creative writing and publishing.
While consulting as the managing editor for the nonprofit Human Potential Foundation, Inc. in the early 1990s, he became a trained hypnotherapist (M.Ht.) and Spirit Releasement Therapy practitioner as part of his effort to research human consciousness and unusual phenomena associated with areas of so-called "new science" studied by the Foundation. As a result, and after interviewing more than 2,500 percipients of such phenomena, he continues to write about and to present thorough and balanced presentations of the subjects to diverse audiences throughout the U. S.
His most recent book (available at, UFOs and Mental Health, Book One: A Briefing on the Phenomenon, contains highlights of an analytical briefing presented to President Clinton by Human Potential Foundation benefactor Laurance S. Rockefeller.
Earlier works by Mr. Teets include many regional titles in addition to the compilation newsbook, Killing Waters, declared a USA Today best-seller.  60 Minute Interview __________________________________________________________________________________________________